Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March is National Kidney Month

Millions of Americans who have diabetes or high blood pressure are at risk for kidney disease and many do not know it! If you have high blood pressure (BP), diabetes or a family history of kidney disease, you're at risk for chronic kidney disease (CKD). But the news isn't all bad. Preventing CKD is not as difficult as you might think. March is National Kidney Month- and there are a few simple steps you can take to prevent kidney damage.

1) Control your Blood Pressure

Among people at risk for kidney and cardiovascular problems, only one in 10 have blood pressure that falls within a healthy range, according to a new study published in the March issue of the American Journal of Medicine. Uncontrolled blood pressure speeds the progression to kidney failure. End Stage Renal Disease or kidney failure is a life-threatening condition.

How can you check to see if your blood pressure is under control? It’s easy. You can check your blood pressure with a monitoring device that can be purchased at any Pharmacy. Also, the stand alone BP machines located in the Pharmacy sections of most drugstores provide accurate measurements. It is important to check your BP during times of rest and relaxation, because physical activities and strong emotions (angry, upset, and very happy) can influence and falsely elevate the BP.

So, check the blood pressure and write down your numbers, If you notice your numbers are > than 140 / 90 consistently, its time to see your doc!

2) Get Tested
Kidneys filter waste and extra water from the blood. When the kidneys are damaged, the filtering stops and waste builds up, causing damage to the body. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure ask your doctor about checking your kidney function with a micro-albumin urine test. This test can detect kidney issues long before most people show any symptoms. CKD is usually silent until it’s already in its late stages, which means threes less time for treatment!

3) Control your blood sugar
Diabetes now is the leading cause of kidney failure in most of the world. Our kidneys remove wastes like uric acid, urea, and lactic acid to name a few. Patients who have diabetes can suffer damage to the small blood vessels of the body. This may cause damage to the delicate blood vessels in the filters of the kidney. In the early stages, this damage is shown by finding protein in the urine- which is measured with the test suggested above. After a number of years, the kidneys' filters can become so damaged by diabetes that the kidneys fail.

You can check your blood glucose at home with a home blood glucose measuring kit that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Your blood sugars should be:

Fasting blood sugar 90-130
After meal blood sugar (2 hours after starting a meal) <180

If you already have Diabetes, have your doctor check your HgbA1c (The hemoglobinA1c blood test is a 2-3 month average of blood sugar).

4) Exercise
We already know that exercise helps to prevent heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, obesity and certain cancers. Exercise helps in preventing kidney disease by improving muscle function, lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, keeping a healthy body weight and improving your sleep.

The National Kidney Foundation suggests starting an exercise program with an activity that you like, such as walking, swimming, bicycling or dancing. “Start low and go slow” but try to exercise at least 30 minutes, three times a week.

Smoking worsens kidney disease and interferes with medicines used to treat high blood pressure. Smoking increases blood pressure and heart rate, reduces blood flow in the kidneys, and damages kidney blood vessels.

The above suggestions will help you to start living the Heart Smart Life!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Sometimes it can be rather difficult to live a healthy lifestyle. Between work, school, kids, and -- oh yeah, how about having a life, setting aside time to exercise or even fix a healthier meal usually seems like an impossibility. Making healthier changes in your life shouldn't be based on "quick fix" remedies. The "Crash Diet" and/or Diet Pills are the perfect example of a plan that's NOT going to work. Not only is this approach to weight loss unhealthy, but it can actually lead to long-term weight gain! Due to the enticing advertisements and promises, it's easy to be attracted to a product or diet that reportedly will solve your weight gain problem. You will lose weight, but- in order to provide quick results these products rely on ingredients that contains natural diuretics and laxatives. Dieters will think they are seeing fast results since the body is forced to expel excess water!

Is healthy living possible through small and manageable changes?


Let me share some secrets for long-term weight loss that WILL GET RESULTS!


Purchase a Pedometer. What is a pedometer? A pedometer is a small measuring instrument that records the number of steps taken when walking. You will be surprised to see how many steps you take on normal day- just doing your routine activities. Now, add 2,000 steps (approx. 1 mile) to to your day. This is probably easier to achieve that it may first seem. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator, Park in the furthest parking space from the grocery store entrance ( or your office, or the dry cleaners, etc..). Or maybe just take a leisurely walk around your neighborhood. Whatever method you choose, just try to be consistent with doing it every day. You will be surprised at how a little conscious effort in measuring your daily steps will do to your waist line in a few months!


The second is to cut a 100 calories a day from your diet. Sounds easy enough- right? These days, just about everything has over 100 calories in it! Here are some examples of an easy 100 calories that can be cut from your diet:
*Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs - Oreo Candy Bites
*A 1/2 oz of butter ( 1 tablespoon)
*One Big squirt of Ketchup (roughly 3oz)
*1 1/2 slices of white bread

Basically, just pick one of your regular treats and eliminate it from your diet! Cutting 100 calories may not seem like a lot, but think about how many calories that adds up to in a year (36,500)!

My point is that the best approach to health and wellness it to take things slowly...

So get smart about living a healthy lifestyle- get CARDIO-SMART!